Q: I do not have experience with acoustics but I find the topic interesting. Can I join?#
A: The workshop does not require a background in acoustics, but we think it is most appropriate for students who are:
interested in applying ocean acoustics techniques in their research (e.g., bioacoustics, fisheries, oceanography, etc.)
interested in doing research in ocean acoustics
already doing some kind of acoustic research in any domain (e.g., medical ultrasound, speech and hearing, music, etc.)
Q: I know a lot about ocean acoustics applications but I am worried I do not have the right mathematics background for this course? What exactly are the prerequisites?#
A: There are no major mathematical prerequisites to the tutorials. We aim to help participants develop intuitions on key ocean acoustics concepts, and will not derive detailed mathematical equations during the workshop. We do expect participants to read mathematical expressions (but not subjects such as differential equations and linear algebra). The workshop tutorials will include primers on signal processing and statistics.
Q: Do I need to know Python in order to participate?#
A: Since the notebooks and exercises are in Python, some basic Python knowledge will be valuable for productive participation in the workshop. If you are not familiar with Python but have experience with another scripting language such as R or MATLAB (such as reading/writing scripts of executable logic, manipulating variables, loading libraries and reading their documentation to determine their use, plotting graphs.), and you are willing to complete the introductory Programming with Python lesson on your own, indicate this in your application. See What to Expect for more information.
Q: I have some training in the fundamentals of ocean acoustics. I am interested in learning more in-depth about topic X. Will it be covered?#
A: You can look through the draft schedule to get a sense of the topics covered. We plan to teach the content at an introductory level during the workshop, but also plan to develop BOAT tutorials on advanced topics. Please reach out to us at boat.ocean.acoustics@gmail.com if you are interested in getting involved!
Q: I am not a student, I am a postdoc/research scientist who works in this domain, but I never had an ocean acoustics course. Can I apply?#
A: You are welcome to apply and we will accommodate you subject to capacity constraints. We are not able to provide funding for your travel.
Q: I am from Seattle, but I am not available during the Seattle workshop. Can I apply for the New Orleans workshop?#
A: Yes, you are welcome to apply, but we plan to prioritize participation from outside of Seattle area for the New Orleans workshop.
Q: I am interested in the New Orleans workshop, do I have to go to the ASA meeting to join the BOAT workshop?#
A: No, the New Orleans workshop is independent of the ASA meeting, and you are welcome to apply to join the workshop.
Q: I am a student outside of the US and I am planning to attend the ASA conference. Can I apply? Am I eligible for travel support?#
A: Yes, you are welcome to apply to join the workshop. We are not able to support travel from outside of the U.S., or support students studying in institutions outside of the U.S.
Q: I work in an ocean acoustics / engineering / robotics / consulting company. Can I apply?#
A: You are welcome to apply and we will accommodate you subject to event capacity constraints. We are not able to provide funding for your travel.
Q: Am I required to participate in all tutorials and activities?#
A: Yes, we expect all participants to be actively engaged in all workshop activities.
Q: What is the cost to participate in the workshops?#
A: Workshop participation is free. Applicants to the New Orleans workshop can apply for partial travel support (see here). We are not able to provide travel support for participants to the Seattle workshop.